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When the Stars Align, it's Beautiful
I see the stars in your eyes but I want you to know
Before we take off in
5, 4, 3, 2
Might not be the one for you
Or you
For me
But I want you
To be
[Verse 1]
Could we make it last forever and ever and on?
Make me a believer, superstar
I know you going far
With that smile that could light up the night sky
With that face I could see when the sun rise
We could dance in the pale blue moonlight
Ain't no space, ain't no time
It's just you and I
When the stars align it's beautiful
I hope that the stars align for us
I hope that the stars ain’t cross us up
I wish upon a star that…
[Verse 2]
I end up with you
Hop in my (Spook)
My spaceship coupe
I know you love me
Like I love you
For whatever reason, we just can't seem to get in a groove
When the stars align for us
When the stars align for us
When the stars align for us
When the stars align for us
When the stars align for us
When the stars align
For us, you can't be starstruck
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