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Summer in the city where the air is still A baby bein' born to the overkill Well, who cares what people say? We walk down love's motorway
Ambition and love, wearin' boxin' gloves And singin' hearts and flowers
But somewhere in my heart There is a star that shines for you Silver splits the blue Love will see it through
And somewhere in my heart There is the will to set you free All you've got to be is true
A star above the city in the northern chill A baby bein' born to the overkill No say, no place to go A TV and a radio
Ambition and love, wearin' boxin' gloves And singin' hearts and flowers
But somewhere in my heart There is a star that shines for you Silver splits the blue Love will see it through
And somewhere in my heart There is the will to set you free And all you've got to be is true
Who could heal what's never been as one? And our hearts have been torn Since the day we were born Just like anyone
From Westwood to Hollywood The one thing that's understood Is that you can't buy time but you can sell your soul And the closest thing to heaven is to rock and roll
And somewhere in my heart There is a star that shines for you Silver splits the blue Love will see it through
And somewhere in my heart There is the will to set you free All you've got to be is true
Somewhere in my heart There is a star that shines for you Silver splits the blue Love will see it through
And somewhere in my heart There is the will to set you free All you've got to be is true
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