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If I was down Would your arms lift me to higher ground With just the strength of your love If I was lost Would I find something in your eyes to lead me home
And if all went wrong Would you be there to hold It’s easy to be there through the good times, But when times get hard would you stay or walk away.
Chorus: Are you gonna be there when the rain comes Are you gonna be there with a warm touch Can you swear you’ll be there with the real love Are you gonna be there Will you stand by my side through the bad times Through whatever will be will you still be mine Will you stay in my life for a lifetime Are you gonna be there
When I need someone to hold Someone there for me Are you gonna be there
In my world If it should fall down Will you be there Be there to turn it around Will you still care Can I depend on you to see me through this life And if it all goes wrong Will you still make it right It’s easy to be there through the good times But when times get hard will you still be on my side
When I need someone beside me Someone there for me Are you gonna be
There with the arms to hold me There with the love I need (There with the love I need, All that I need) Will you be there Heart and soul I need to know Are you gonna be there Are you still gonna care Are you gonna be yeah Will you stay by my side (Stay by my side) Are you gonna be mine Are you gonna be there (are you gonna be there)
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