Текст песни Nell Mescal - Electric Picnic

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Oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh

[Verse 1]
Ciara said she saw you crying
Just outside the tent
Did "Yellow Dresser" make you sad?
Or just the role you played in it
I know you'll say that I was mean
Or put it down to jealousy
How could she write a song like that?
How could she write a song about me?

I'm looking down the barrel, and I'm missing my old bedroom
Why'd you show face?
You're so selfish
I'm not gonna forgive you
'Cause you're crying at a song I wrote you last year
It's been a whole year
It's been a whole year, mm

[Verse 2]
When your dad was in the hospital
I nearly flew home
Got stuck with the middle seat
Startеd praying for a quick release
Your mum told minе I wasn't well
I called you for the last time
You stole my life and ran with it
Can I miss it for a minute?
Can't I miss it for a minute?

I'm looking down the barrel, and I'm missing my old bedroom
Why'd you show face?
You're so selfish
I'm not gonna forgive you
'Cause you're crying at a song I wrote you last year
It's been a whole year
It's been a whole year (Whole)

Why'd you come here? It's been a whole year (Whole)
Why'd you come here?
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Oh, oh

I'm looking down the barrel, and I'm missing my old bedroom
Why'd you show face?
You're so selfish
I'm not gonna forgive you
'Cause you're crying at a song I wrote you last year
It's been a whole year

Тексты лучших песен Nell Mescal

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