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New Model Army Ghost Of Caine Ballad Sullivan
When they look back at us and they write down their history What will they say about our generation? We're the ones who knew everything still we did nothing Harvested everything, planted nothing
Well we live pretty well in the wake of the goldrush Floating in comfort on waves of our apathy Quietly knowing away at Her body Unte we motgage the future, bury our children
Storehouses full with the fruits we've been given We send off the scragends to succle the starving But still we can't feed this strang hunger inside Greedy, restless and unsatisfied
I was never much one for the great "big bang" theory Going out in a blaze of suicidal glory Not foolish and brave, these leaders of ours Just stupid and petty, unworthy of power...
Just a little leak here and a small error there Another square mile poisoned forever A series of sad and pathetic little fizzles And out go the lights, never to return
The affair it is over, the passion is dead She stares at us now with the ice in Her eyes But we turn away from these bitter reproaches And take up distractions to forget what we're doing
Well I stand on these hills and I watch Her at night A thousand square miles, a million orange lights Wounded and scared, She lies silent in pain Raped and betrayed in the cold acid rain And I wish and I wish We could start over again Yes I wish and I wish We could win back Her love once again...
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