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New Model Army High Rivers And so I came to this dream-like place But I can’t remember how Our lives just break open in front of us Like pack ice before the bow
I followed rivers, I followed orders I followed prophets, I followed leaders I followed rivers, I followed highways I followed conscience, I followed dreamers And I’m back here, and I’m back here At the edge of the sky
And so I came to this dream-like place But I can’t remember why I was never quite ready for what came my way But I’ve always been ready to die
I followed rivers, I followed orders I followed prophets, I followed leaders I followed rivers, I followed highways I followed conscience, I followed dreamers And I’m back here, and I’m back here At the edge of the sky
I sowed the seeds – I sowed the seeds
I followed rivers, I followed orders I followed prophets, I followed leaders I followed rivers, I followed highways I followed conscience, I followed dreamers And I’m nearly there, I’m nearly there
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