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I couldn't care less if you don't love me I couldn't care less if you don't want me But I gotta confess that when you abadoned my heart You know you tore it apart
I guess I'm okay now in every way I manage somehow since you went away To find yourself I hope you do 'Cause now now we are through
I couldn't care less if you don't love me I couldn't care less if you don't want me But I gotta confess that when you abadoned my heart You know you tore it apart
I've got my strength back To go on with my life The nights are getting shorter now And days are passing by And God knows I cried But now I know I'm finally over you
I couldn't care less if you don't love me I couldn't care less if you don't want me But I gotta confess that when you abadoned my heart You know you tore it apart
Now the loneliness is gone It's time to move on 'Cause I know that I will make it on my own 'Cause I can smile again It's more than I could then It's funny how time can heal a heart
I couldn't care less if you don't love me I couldn't care less if you don't want me But I gotta confess that when you abadoned my heart You know you tore it apart
I couldn't care less if you don't love me I couldn't care less if you don't want me But I gotta confess that when you abadoned my heart You know you tore it apart
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