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(feat. Rosario Dawson) [Intro: Rosario Dawson] [laughter] What’s wrong? What are you afraid of? The Love Below
[Verse 1: Andre 3000] She stays alone, never sheds a single tear She stays in the coolest moods, clearly woman of the year She and all her girlfriends, they go out dressed to win She comes back to the cooler side of town but she lives in my lap
[Chorus: Andre 3000] She lives in my lap [repeat 6X] Forever my fiance She lives in my lap Don’t need no chain She lives in my lap I’ll get the courage one day
[Verse 2: Andre 3000] Make me want you, make me miss you make me wonder where you are, then forget you Girl remind me, just who we are We’re oh so close, but yet so far
[Interlude] [Rosario Dawson:] Baby why are you acting like this? I don’t care about any of them... I care about you! Baby I Love you!
[Andre 3000:] You’ve got me open wide (I love you) Just Come inside (baby) It’s yours (it’s yours) I’m yours (i’m yours) For sure (for sure) Play baby play...
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