Текст песни Passenger -
However It Comes, Wherever It Goes
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[Verse 1]
Whatever you want, whatever you need
Show me the way, I'll go where you lead
You pick the time, you set the speed
My darling
However you feel, whatever you choose
Time it can heal, life it can bruise
I'm here when you win, I'm here when you lose
My darling
I don't care who's wrong, I don't care who's right
Life isn't long, we've no time to fight
Stay with me today, lay with me tonight
My darling
[Verse 2]
However it comes, wherevеr it goes
Water will run, wind it will blow
No one can say for nobody knows
My darling
I don't carе who's wrong, I don't care who's right
Life isn't long, we've no time to fight
Stay with me today, lay with me tonight
My darling
Yeah I don't care who's wrong, I don't care who's right
Life isn't long, we've no time to fight
Stay with me today, lay with me tonight
My darling
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