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Saw you the other day Looking so undermined Acting like it wouldn't happen Making sense of anything that you could find Because it's just about to happen And you'll be there You must have known the storm was coming When clouds appeared
May as well let the rain come down And join the circus of people While you're there
Something is changing Bruising and aching And I'm trying to find out what it is When I fix her, she's breaking Reason keeps escaping me Protecting and burning like a cyst
I know that I can help you I just don't fucking want to And the feeling gets stronger by the day Say that I'm selfish But I don't really need this And I'm just so sick of the chase
While you are letting your guard down I will be letting myself go While you keep running your ship aground I will be setting myself alight
Too late, you dropped the drawbridge You let the vampires in You caused this shit to happen, and now you want out?
Too late, you dropped the drawbridge You let the vampires in I hope you know now that it's nobody's fault but yours!
While you are letting your guard down I will be letting myself go While you keep running your ship aground I will be setting myself alight
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Также принимается перевод песни «The Tempest».
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