Текст песни Queensryche - Warning

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I remember I was asking why
And someday you said I'd know
All these years, of fighting hard
And now it's finally come too close

I can't believe it's now happening to me
Oh, couldn't it wait a few hundred years
Destiny can't rest you see, now it's time
Time to cry your tears! Now cry!

The child of centuries, forgotten in time
You talk in circles of rhyme
Seer of places future and past
The warning you gave us is surely our last


Behold the child, his pointing hand
Is raised in solemn grace
His eyes once wide with learning wonder
Now leave stains upon his face

Now see the hands of the working man
He's leaning back against the wall
Once busy hands are idle now
Standing ready for the fall! Our fall!

The signs will come as days past by
For those that claim to see
The blind will stay not choosing to die
Not believing the visions I've seen

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