Текст песни Quinn XCII - Pasadena

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[Verse 1]
Maybe you should call in sick to work tomorrow
Let's pick a place to go
Nobody has to know
Your brother's got an SUV that we can borrow
And I got somewhere to stay
It's not too far away

We can't make a little more time
The way we can make money, so
Let's spend the rest of our lives
Why wait, why wait, why wait when

We could make breakfast for dinner
Walk the beach in mid-December
Drunk for no specific reason
Say "I love you" if we feel it
Go pass out in Pasadena
Where the grass is always greener
Wake up hungovеr on the floor
We're not kids anymorе

Let's leave our reasons at the door
We're not kids anymore
Wake up hungover on the floor
We're not kids anymore

[Verse 2]
I don't wanna waste another minute wishin'
That we were somewhere else
As far as I can tell
No one's tellin' us we gotta stay and do the dishes
Yeah, all that shit can wait
Got too much on our plate

We can't make a little more time
The way we can make money, so
Let's spend the rest of our lives
Why wait, why wait, why wait when

We could make breakfast for dinner
Walk the beach in mid-December
Drunk for no specific reason
Say "I love you" if we feel it
Go pass out in Pasadena
Where the grass is always greener
Wake up hungover on the floor
We're not kids anymore

Let's leave our reasons at the door
We're not kids anymore
Wake up hungover on the floor
We're not kids anymore

Тексты лучших песен Quinn XCII

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