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I'd like to tell a little story about the story about the second of Jesus
Will you listen to me a little while
Talk to you about Jesus
Jesus is coming
I see a man in my dreams, yes
He lets me know just what heaven means
By His good will to all mankind
When trouble cometh He steps in on time, yes He does
Keep on listening
Glory Hallelujah
Jesus is on His way back
In His word He showed us the holy way
I heard Him say, I'm coming on a cloud one day
I'm going to come like a thief that night
Everything's gonna come alight
Jesus is coming back
Do you hear me, sinner man?
Now the bible tells us when you hear tell of wars and rumors of wars
That's the sign that He's on His way back
When you hear tell of earthquakes in divers places
That's a good sign, He's on His way back
Jesus is on His way back
Set your house in order
I heard Him say this word, I'm coming back again
I heard Him say, get ready
Get ready, I'm on my way back
There's one more thing I wanna tell you
Listen, listen
The bible said
When you hear tell of mothers against daughters
Race against race, black and white don't wanna walk together
That's a very good sign that Jesus is on His way back
Listen, to the rich, the poor and the one in need
To the beggar man and to the thief
I wanna tell you
Jesus is coming back
Jesus is on His way back again
Get ready
Get ready
Jesus is coming back again
Jesus is coming back again
Tell everybody, He is on His way back
Tell the butcher man, He is on His way back
Tell the grocer man, He is on His way back
Tell everybody, He is on His way back
Hallelujah, Jesus is coming
Will you help me tell it?
Will you go on the mountain
Will you go in the valley
Will you go everywhere
And tell thy man and women
That Jesus is coming back again
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Также принимается перевод песни «Jesus Is Coming».
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