Здесь вы найдете слова песни Shirley Caesar - Nobody But You Lord. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни Shirley Caesar - Nobody But You Lord и его перевод.
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Nobody but Jesus, nobody but the Lord
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but the Lord
Who wakes you up in the morning time
And opens up your eyes
Who makes the rain to water the flowers
And who gives you sunshine and blue skies
Nobody but Jesus, he's the one to call
But when you're down and out and you need a friend
He'll be your all in all
Yes, one day I got so feeling bad
I didn't know what to do
So I closed my eyes and I opened my mind
Jesus brought me through
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but Jesus
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but the Lord
And I'll serve him till I die
And here's the reason why
Because love has passed me by
He was right there by my side
Who gives you strength when your way gets wary
And problems wear you down
Who tells you yes, when the doctor says no
And there's no hope to be found
Nobody but Jesus
He's the one you need
When you're down and out and you need a friend
He'll be a friend indeed
One day I got to feeling sick
And I didn't know what to do
So I called on the Lord, he answered my prayer
Told me, he'd see me through
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but Jesus
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but the Lord
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but Jesus
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but the Lord
And I'll serve him till I die
And here's the reason why
Because love has passed me by
He was right there by my side, yes, he was
Jesus, nobody but Jesus
Jesus, nobody but Jesus
Jesus, nobody but Jesus
Who wakes you up in the morning time
And he opens up your eyes
Who makes the rain to water the flowers
Who gives you sunshine and blue skies
Nobody but Jesus, he's the one to call
When you need a friend, he'll step right in
He'll be your all in all
One day I will see the man
I didn't know what to do
I told on the Lord, he answered my prayer
Jesus brought me through
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but Jesus
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but the Lord
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but Jesus
Nobody but Jesus, nobody but the Lord
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Также принимается перевод песни «Nobody But You Lord».
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