Текст песни Shocking Blue - Bool Weevil (At Home)

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Shocking Blue
Shocking Blue Live In Japan
Bool Weevil (At Home)
Well the first time I saw Bool Weevil
He was a-sittin' on a square
Well the next time that I saw him
He had his whole family there
Just a lookin' for a home

Well the farmer took the Bool Weevil
And pulled him on the red hot sand
Well the Weevil said: "It is mighty hot"
But I take it like a man
Just a lookin' for a home

Well, the Weevil said to the farmer:
"Sell your old machine
When we fill your cup
You can buy gasolino"
Just a lookin' for a home

Well if somebody should ask you
Who it was who sang this song
Say you set a beating from Oklahoma city

Just a lookin' for a home

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