Текст песни Siiickbrain - ​dizzy spells

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[Verse 1]
My hand he held, I slipped, he fell
I tried to help his dizzy spell
He's a part of me that you can't see
I think of him, he can't think of me
Don't compare, honestly, yeah
He's just a part of me now
I hate to say it out loud
Can't put the words in my mouth
I spin around and around
Devotion turned into doubts
I'm on the ground, yeah

[Verse 2]
My hand you held, I slipped, you fell
You tried to help my dizzy spell
You're a part of me that you can't see
I think of you and you think of me
Don't compare, honestly
You're always a part of me now
I'm scared to say it out loud
Can't put the words in my mouth
I spin around and around
I'm floating inside of sound
I'm off the ground now

My hand you held, I slipped, you fell
You tried to help my dizzy spell
My hand you held, I slipped, you fell
You tried to help my dizzy spell
My dizzy spell, yeah
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