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[Verse 1]
I'm needlessly wild, needlessly wild, needlessly wild
And I'm needlessly wild
Threw out my fine threads
Were cramping my style
I'm reckless, off course
I'm back and I'm forth, unrefined
Go on and leave me to the hounds tonight
Go on and leave me to the hounds tonight
[Verse 2]
I'm aggressively fun
Death of the party
A lecture for one
And I'm uselessly sullen
I pushed up my bedtime
I'll set with the sun
I'm reckless, off course
I'm back and I'm forth, unrefinеd
Go on and leave me to thе hounds tonight
Go on and leave me to the hounds tonight
[Verse 3]
I'm needlessly wild
I'm punching out air
I'm breaking my stride
I'm all of out hate
There's nowhere to climb
Show me the exit, the infinite light
I'm heedless and wild
I'm needless and wild
I'm heedless and wild
I'm needless and wild
I'm needless and wild
I'm heedless and wild
I'm glitched and unwired
I'm totally tired
I'm reckless, off course
I'm back and I'm forth, out of time
Go on and leave me to the hounds tonight
Go on and leave me to the hounds tonight
Go ahead and feed me to the hounds tonight
Go ahead and feed me to the hounds tonight
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Также принимается перевод песни «Needlessly Wild».
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