Текст песни Sofia Carson -
It’s Only Love, Nobody Dies
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[Verse 1]
My mind is an island out at sea
Said you'd swim to me, but you're going the wrong way
Midnight, and the moon is testing me
So if you take me home, I hope you take the long way
Cause I just wanna drive with you
With, drive with you, wanna kill the lonely
Wanna be falling asleep on the passenger's side of your car
And if we give it a night, we'll know better where we are and where we're not
So give me your kiss now
Don't wanna think about going alone without
It's only love, nobody dies
I don't care, kiss now
Don't wanna talk about going alone without
It's only love, nobody dies
[Verse 2]
I know there's a part of you, you hide
And you convinced yourself that I would hold it against you
The subtle ways that you move to shield your pride
Another messy thing, I only pretend to
I just wanna drive real fast
Real fast with you until we kill the lonely
Wanna be falling asleep on the passenger's side of your car
And if we give it a night, we'll know better who we are and who we're not
So give me your kiss now
Don't wanna think about going alone without
It's only love, nobody dies
I don't care, kiss now
Don't wanna talk about going alone without
It's only love, nobody dies
If you're coming with me, it won't be tonight
If you're gonna watch, no, it won't be tonight
Better if it hurts, at least you'll know what it's like
It's only love, nobody dies
Wanna be falling asleep on the passenger's side of your car
And if we give it a night, we'll know better where we are and where we're not
So give me your kiss now
Don't wanna think about going alone without
It's only love, nobody dies
I don't care, kiss now
Don't wanna talk about going alone without
It's only love, nobody dies
If you're coming with me, it won't be tonight
If you're gonna watch, no, it won't be tonight
Better if it hurts, at least you'll know what it's like
It's only love, nobody dies
If you're coming with me, it won't be tonight
If you're gonna watch, no, it won't be tonight
Better if it hurts, at least you'll know what it's like
It's only love, nobody dies
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Также принимается перевод песни «It’s Only Love, Nobody Dies».
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