Текст песни Spectral Wound - Soul Destroying Black Debauchery

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What hell is this?
A noxious nameless mist
Hangs like tatters, but binds like chains
This morbid frame
Writhing, rotting in the veins
Sous les griffes du diable

I have so long longed for the lance
To lay these entrails bare, to divine

Poison courses through blood
Thickening and slow
From cold crypted corners
Rises once again

Pallid, rotting on the vine
I cast myself
Sous les griffes du diable
Le sang fatigué de l'homme dissipé
What recourse, what remains
But to reel the midnight through?

Sheer lunatic defiance
Of Naturе's fair designs
Rank, decadent dеnial
Against bios, against life

I am betrayed, abandoned
By the mute contempt of my own flesh
I must wrench my death from this vital frame
What recourse but to glut the maw
The reeling midnight through
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