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Feels like the world has let me down Feels as if I'm ready to drown It's 3 am, I lie awake thinking about my great escape
I'm fine with all that I have left I try to breathe and just forget I'm flying low because of you My every thought leads back to you
I'm not made to kiss and run Say I'm not the only one Getting over you in a weekend If on Monday I'll be fine Why can't I sleep tight tonight And just walk away and leave her 'Cause I'm not made to kiss and run
I'm pacing all over this place Tracing the steps we failed to take I miss you so inside my head Have to remember to forget
It's just those eyes that kill me now Intensity still stings my eyes I wanna keep this hurting too If it's the last touch I had from you
I'm not made to kiss and run Say I'm not the only one Getting over you in a weekend If on Monday I'll be fine Why can't I sleep tight tonight And just walk away and leave her 'Cause I'm not made to kiss and run
I'm fine with all that I have left I'm trying to live with it every day I'm not made to Kiss and Run
I'm not made to kiss and run Say I'm not the only one Getting over you in a weekend If on Monday I'll be fine Why can't I sleep tight tonight And just walk away and leave her 'Cause I'm not made to kiss and run
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