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Was in the mood, way above Layin' down my money for love She's the kind of lady Wouldn't take a 'Maybe' from me
She saw the lip on my face Sitting outside of my place I did all the talking She did all the walking for me
I didn't come down with yesterday's rain You're fooling nobody I didn't come down with yesterday's rain Don't tell me you're sorry You're fooling nobody
I said a score, but no higher Sale or return on no buyer If you keep on refusing Then you're gonna be abusing yourself That's nice!
You've got to make your mind up Or God only knows where I'll wind up You know I ain't no ginger So baby, lay your fingers on me
I didn't come down with yesterday's rain You're fooling nobody I didn't come down with yesterday's rain Don't tell me you're sorry You're fooling nobody
She gave me love, bonafida Up to my balls inside her She's the kind of lady Who won't been sayin' maybe to me
You truck it, baby You'll find another sucker, baby She's the kind of lady Who's gonna take a maybe from me
I didn't come down with yesterday's rain You're fooling nobody I didn't come down with yesterday's rain Don't tell me you're sorry You're fooling nobody
I didn't come down with (Down with) Yesterday's rain (Down with) Yesterday's rain
I ain't foolin' I ain't foolin' I ain't foolin' I ain't foolin'
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