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It's just a sad picture The final blow hits you Somebody else gets What you wanted You know It's all the same Another time and place Repeating history Just another episode
But I believe In whatever you do And I'll do anything To see it through
Chorus: Because these things Will change We can see it now These walls That they put up To hold us back Will fall down It's a revolution It's how we'll become Who we're Supposed to be We'll sing hallelujah We'll sing hallelujah Oh
So you've been Out numbered When you've been Out cornered It's time to find What you're Fighting for
You're getting Stronger now From things They never found They might be better But we're faster And never scared
We've got the ways That we can beat this There's something In your eyes Says we can beat this
Chorus: Because these things Will change We can see it now These walls That they put up To hold us back Will fall down It's a revolution It's how we'll become Who we're Supposed to be We'll sing hallelujah We'll sing hallelujah Oh
Tonight we're Standing on our feet To fight For what we worked For all these years The battle of long It's the fight Of our lives We'll stand up Champions one And it's the night We changed We can see it now When the walls That they put up To hold us Back fell down Coz it's a revolution Throw your hands up Coz we never give in We'll sing hallelujah We'll sing hallelujah Hallelujah
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