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In this universe
Forward needs reverse
Sure, heaven needs some kind of hell
But you said that to truly love somebody
You had to despise someone else
Now I see it plain
Behind me is a chain
Mothers who made their mistakes
I wonder which parts of me
My kids are going to hate
Now some memories look new
The look on your face, as I left you
Pregnant with the start
But heavy with the end
I can almost hear the drawbridgе coming up on my independencе
I can't be selfish like I wanna be anymore
So while you're filling up on a feast of nothing much
Oh, I can remember the taste
I might as well be on a trip to the moon
Waxing itself at my waist
And maybe you're right, it's cool
But this satellite will change my rules
What if as soon as I can make the time
You're old enough to start to say goodbye
The times when I've been foolish
Are the ones that I remember best
If I could sum it up, I'd only fail
A map of the world at full scale would not cover it
It's easier to hate the one
I was before it all begun
But I could never hate you
I could never hate you
I could never hate you
'Cause you did what you wanted to do
I could never hate you
I could never hate you
I could never hate you
'Cause you did what you wanted to do
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