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Don't look now Cause it is coming for you, it is coming for you Dont slow down It is around the corner, around the corner Dont hold back You got to give what you got, give what you got You got to face the music, face the music, Face the music, face the music…
No use hiding Cause it will break down the door, it will come through the wall No good fighting Cause it is stronger than violence and harder than silence No use lying Cause it will find the truth inside of you No good crying You got to face the music, face the music, Face the music, face the music…
Don't look now Cause it is coming for you, it is coming for you Dont slow down It is around the corner, around the corner Dont hold back You got to give what you got, give what you got You got to face the music, face the music, Face the music, face the music…