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[Verse 1]
The whispered word left to burn just to blind you
Look to the stars, breaking down just to bring you down
Yeah, there's blood on the ground
Spare me no more
Run away, cold war
[Verse 2]
Endless disguise and delight, they'll both find you
There is in the weight of the warmth they will bind you
Only one way out from here I know
Spare me no more
Run away, cold war
Here we're all left, pouring out, I know
Here we're all dust and ash and snow, I know
[Verse 3]
Kiss and a knife trace the veil to rеmind you
There, deep inside find thе frays, they might guide you
Spare me no more
Run away, cold war
(Endless disguise and delight, they'll both find you
There is in the weight of the warmth they will bind you)
Run away, cold war
(The whispered word)
(The whispered word)
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