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I'll see you tonight down at Sophia's place It's always a good time The polished mahogany, gin and cigars Yeah, come on then
Hey, Leah, am I getting through? It's one more silver lining for the weekend Hey, Leah, am I getting through? The candles in your eyes are still burning
The next time I see you at Sophia's place We'll fall right back in line They'll tilt up your glass and they'll miss a beer Well, c'mon then be a good friend
Hey, Leah, I'm here to see you There's one more silver lining So c'mon then be a good friend Hey, Leah, am I getting through? Your shining eyes are brighter than the moonlight
Every bone in my body broken one time or two Every hour of the long day rather spend it with you Every year that I'm living, got to stick by your side
Sun goes down, moon comes up Sky is black and blue Here I stand honey with you
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