Здесь вы найдете слова песни Tides of Leviathan - Apocalypse. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни Tides of Leviathan - Apocalypse и его перевод.
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This is the end of times
This is the gathering of the storm
This is the final strike of Those, who will bring this world to ruins
Kingdoms... and rulers will suffer from their own faith
Their chain dogs and their slaves will know the taste of Death
Horseman of Pestilence! Release your plague!
Horseman of War! Lift up your sword!
Horseman of Famine! Spread your hunger!
Horseman of Death!
The final judge!
This world is yours!
Prepare for your harvest! For your final ride!
Satan! Mighty Dragon!
Let Black Flames arise!
Let the oceans of Chaos
Erase the god and heavens!
The Night spilled Her Blood on the black Earth
To grow the seeds of Evil
Beautiful flowers of Darkness
Gather together, the Sons of Satan!
Gather together, the Chosen Ones!
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