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Come to me and I'll light your darkness Baby breathe me deep, and I'll make you conscious Cause I can give you peace and I can make it right
So close your eyes, everything will be alright Nothing to fear as long as I'm here Close your eyes now
Close your eyes and feel me around you And baby let me show that I'm all you need to know Just ease your mind there's nothing to fear now Cause I can give you love and I can make it grow
So close your eyes, everything will be alright Nothing to fear as long as I'm here Close your eyes now
Let me show you love can be beautiful Let me show you love can be wonderful i know you have a wounded heart But I can make it heal And I will never turn away cause myt love is real
So close your eyes, everything will be alright Nothing to fear as long as I'm here Close your eyes now
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Также принимается перевод песни «Nothing To Fear».
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