Текст песни Tindersticks -
If You're Looking For A Way Out
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Tindersticks Simple Pleasure If You're Looking For A Way Out Love's fading babe
I can see it in your eyes
Your kiss is just the same but it's just a sweet disguise
Ain't like just luck
To worry about me
When we promise to be our world
Love each other for eternity
If you're looking for a way out
I won't stand in your way
If you're looking for a way out
Don't stop at the tears that I'm crying
They'll only make you wanna stay
Don't kiss me again cos I'm trying
To keep you from running away
Oh baby tell me I'm wrong
Just say I'm crazy.. it's with me that you belong
It's never easy when lovers have to part
Oh come on stop pretending
Tell me what's in your heart
Baby don't run away
Baby don't run away
Say that you'll stay
Oh come on stop pretending
Tell me what's in your heart
Baby don't run away 2x
Stop pretending 3x
Please baby now
Stop pretending 3x
Please baby now
Stop pretending 3x
Won't you tell me what's in your heart?
Please baby now... stop pretending
Don't you know that I'll always.... stop pretending
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Также принимается перевод песни «If You're Looking For A Way Out».
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