Текст песни Topic -
Why Do You Lie To Me (feat. A7S, Lil Baby)
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Why do you lie to me?
Why would you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me? Tell me
I'm in love with your hands tonight
Yeah, they give you this alibi
I don't know 'cause I'm lost in your eyes
I, hope my heart don't break too much
When I wake from the ways you touch
I'm so weak 'cause I can't get enough
You say that you love me
Oh, I never thought we'd be like that
I've been running in a thousand tracks
You said that you love me
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me? (You say that you love me)
(You say that you love me)
Why do you lie to me?
You said it was L-O-V-E
Now we don't even speak
I know you didn't need me
What is all this about?
I didn't come for no clout
I get mines and I'm out
I'll survive any drought, feelings are not allowed
I go all the way down, yeah
We could go somewhere where we don't get service
We can sit back and smoke weed all day shirtless
I keep on going in-out of your cervix
That would be perfect
But I don't think you're worth it
You say that you love me
Oh, I never thought we'd be like that
I've been running in a thousand tracks
You said that you loved me
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you lie to me? (You say that you love me)
(Oh, I never thought we'd be like that)
I've been running in a thousand tracks
You say that you love me
Why do you lie to me?
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