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Unchain the monster
A dark night brings fear
I feel my mind is changing
The beast is near
Bloody chains and leather
The madness I can't hide
My super lethal steel machine
Is ready for the ride
You better watch out
I'm on my way
When the most dreaded man
Haunts the city again
Save yourself if you can
And every night I'm on my ride
To take control over your soul
The beast's rebirth will seize the earth
This is the thrill of Turbokill
Fast like a bullet
I'm racing down the street
And your life on my heavy chain
Is what I need
Crushing like a hammer
This world shall feel the lash
It cuts you like a razorblade
And burns your flesh
Every resistance will make it worse
Face the touch of decay
Life is passing away
But I'll show you my way
And every night I'm on my ride
To take control over your soul
The beast's rebirth will seize the earth
This is the thrill of Turbokill
And every night I'm on my ride
To take control over your soul
The beast's rebirth will seize the earth
This is the thrill of Turbokill
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Также принимается перевод песни «Turbokill».
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