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Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
[Verse 1]
Imagine flying over hedgerows, who knows where she goes?
I am just another victim of her system
Just a solitary vista, somehow I miss her
Just a lonely kind of loser, I lost with you
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
[Verse 2]
She just wandered off the radar head first, brain after
Wretched claws around my jawline, fearful and feline
If you run across her spectre, tell her I miss her
Just a lonely kind of loser, come lose with me
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden
Hold on tight
'Cause it's violent after dark in the garden