Здесь вы найдете слова песни VC Pines - SUPERMAN. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни VC Pines - SUPERMAN и его перевод.
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Met you at the motel
You were smoking by yourself
Another car crashing down the hill
Heard somebody call for help
And I left you standing there but
Oh, don't be sad
I'II be back in a little while
Please hold my cigarette
Need to take care of this town
Oh, I wish I had another chance
Time is on our side but will it last?
You know that you hide my weaknesses
And give me strength
You know that I would die to be your Superman
When I found you on the rooftop
I was on my way to hell
But stepping up thе stairway
I saw heaven as I fell
No, don't bе sad
I'II be back in a little while
Please hold my cigarette
Need to take care of business now
'Cause it's all on me
All on me
Oh, I wish I had another chance
Time is on our side but will it last?
You know that you hide my weaknesses
And give me strength
You know that I would die to be your Superman
When you're all alone, do you see what I see?
Know you're strong 'cause you save me
When I hear the call to take me away
You're all I need when it's all on me
All on me
Oh, I wish I had another chance
Time is on our side but will it last?
You know that you hide my weaknesses
And give me strength
You know that I would die to be your Superman
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Также принимается перевод песни «SUPERMAN».
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