Текст песни Vertical Horizon -
Best I Ever Had (Grey Sky Morning)
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So you sailed away Into a grey sky morning Now I’m here to stay Love can be so boring
Nothing’s quite the same now I just say your name now
Chorus But it’s not so bad You’re only the best I ever had You don’t want me back You’re just the best I ever had
So you stole my world Now I’m just a phony Remembering the girl Leaves me down and lonely
Send it in a letter Make yourself feel better
Chorus But it’s not so bad You’re only the best I ever had You don’t need me back You’re just the best I ever had
And it may take some time to Patch me up inside But I can’t take it so I Run away and hide And I may find in time that You were always right You’re always right
So you sailed away Into a grey sky morning Now I’m here to stay Love can be so boring
What was it you wanted Could it be I’m haunted
Chorus But it’s not so bad You’re only the best I ever had I don’t want you back You’re just the best I ever had The best I ever had The best I ever
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Также принимается перевод песни «Best I Ever Had (Grey Sky Morning)».
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