Текст песни W.A.S.P. - The torture never stops

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Bang, bang, banging in your head
You’re banging on the walls
Hang, hang, hanging up youself
You’re hanging by your balls

And you, you die but no-one hears or cares
And hope’s the rope that keeps you tied in knots

The torture never stops
The torture never stops

Suck, suck, sucking at your life
Your master sucks the juice
Shoot, shoot, shooting at youAnd the hangman’s noose is loose

And you, you cry but no-one hears or cares
And hope’s the rope that keeps you tied in knots

The torture never stops
The torture never stops

Your masters beat you bloody
Still you’re running back for more
And every day, you lay down and play the whore

The torture never stops
The torture never stops

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