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[Verse 1]
You’ve got me writing ‘bout you every other song about you like a madman
You’ve got me twisted ‘round your finger when I really should’ve figured I’m damned
You’ve been looking at me longer than we ever should’ve been doin’
And goddamnit now I’m laying in your bedroom when it’s 3 AM
Let’s let it go
And take a dive into our lies
Then take me home
Ignore the whys just skip to sighs
‘Cause I think that we’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout it long enough
And that’s long enough for me
So let’s lose control
‘Cause it’s 3 AM and girl I got no plans to sleep
[Verse 2]
You got me thinking about you when I should be thinking bout an exit plan
You’ve got me feeling like a Trevor cause I feel like you’re my Wonder Woman
And I know I gotta go but baby can I tell you one more thing
And goddamnit now I’m laying in your bedroom when it’s 3AM
Let’s let it go
And take a dive into our lies
Then take me home
Ignore the whys just skip to sighs
‘Cause I think that we’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout it long enough
And that’s long enough for me
So let’s lose control
‘Cause it’s 3 AM and girl I got no plans to sleep
Let’s let it go
And take a dive into our lies
Then take me home
‘Cause I think that we’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout it long enough
And that’s long enough for me
So let’s lose control
‘Cause it’s 3 AM and girl I got no plans to sleep
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