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Sorry guys I didn't realize that I needed you so much I thought I'd get a new audience, I forgot that disco sucks I ended up with nobody and I started feeling dumb Maybe I should play the lead guitar and Pat should play the drums
Take me back, back to the shack Back to the strat with the lightning strap Kick in the door, more hardcore Rockin out like it's '94 Let's turn up the radio Let's turn off those stupid singing shows I know where we need to go: Back to the shack
I finally settled down with my girl and I made up with my dad I had to go and make a few mistakes so I could find out who I am I'm letting all of these feelings out even if it means I fail Cause this is what I was meant to do and you can't put that on sale
Take me back, back to the shack Back to the strat with the lightning strap Kick in the door, more hardcore Rockin out like it's '94 Let's turn up the radio Let's turn off those stupid singing shows I know where we need to go: Back to the shack
We belong in the rock world There is so much left to do If we die in obscurity, oh well At least we raised some hell
Take me back, back to the shack Back to the strat with the lightning strap Kick in the door, more hardcore Rockin out like it's '94 Let's turn up the radio Let's turn off those stupid singing shows I know where we need to go: Back to the shack
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