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Polka Your Eyes Out [Cradle of Love/Billy Idol] Rock the cradle of love Rock the cradle of love Yes, the cradle of love Don’t rock easy, it’s true Rock the cradle of love I rocked the cradle of love Yes, the cradle of love Don’t rock easy, it’s true
[Love Shack/B-52s] The Love Shack is a little old place where We can get together Love Shack, baby (Love Shack, baby, Love Shack) Hey!
[Pump Up The Jam/Technotronic] Pump up the jam (hey!) Pump up the jam (hey!) Pump up the jam, pump it up!
[Losing My Religion/R.E.M.] That’s me in the corner That’s me in the spotlight Losing my religion Trying to keep a view And I don’t know if I can do it Oh no, I’ve said too much I haven’t said enough
[Unbelievable/EMF] The things you say Your purple prose just gives you away The things you say You’re unbelievable (Oh!)
[Do Me!/Bel Biv Devoe] Do me, baby, do me, baby You can do me in the morning, you can Do me in the night You can do me when you wanna do me Yodel-ay-ee-hoo!
[Enter Sandman/Metallica] Exit light Enter night Take my hand Off to never never land
[The Humpty Dance/Digital Underground] The Humpty Dance your chance to do the Hump Do me, baby Do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump Do me, baby Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump
[Cherry Pie/Warrant] She’s my cherry pie Put a smile on your face ten miles wide Look so good, make a grown man cry Sweet cherry pie-yi-yi Woo!
Drum solo!
[Miss You Much/Janet Jackson] I miss you much (M-O-I miss youou much) I really miss you much (M-I-S-S you much) I miss you much (M-O-I miss you much) I really miss you much
[I Touch Myself/DiVinyls] Hey, I don’t want anybody else When I think about you I touch myself Oh, I don’t want anybody else Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no
[Dr. Feelgood/Motley Crue] He’s the one they call Dr. Feelgood He’s the one that makes you feel all right He’s the one they call Dr. Feelgood He’s gonna be your Frankenstein
[Ice Ice Baby/Vanilla Ice] Let’s kick it! If you got a problem, (yo!) I’ll solve it Check out the beat while the DJ revolves it Ice ice baby Ice ice baby...Word to your mother! Ice ice baby Ice ice baby, forever I’ll be your ice, ice, baby! Hey!
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