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Don't forget me
You prayed God take my life but that's who sent me
You running out of time
It's never the right time to say goodbye
No, baby, I don't wanna fight
It's hard to love, it's hard to make a sacrifice
Don't forget me, don't forget me
[Verse 1]
I'll be with you everywhere you go
You just like a flower, hopin' that you grow
But it never rains in Southern California
But it's warm enough to keep your heart at bay
But it rains so much, the weather out in Georgia
It's too cold and cruel to keep the pain away
Don't forget me (Don't forget me)
You prayеd God take my life but that's who sent mе
You runnin' out of time
It's never the right time to say goodbye
No, baby, I don't wanna fight
It's hard to love, it's hard to make a sacrifice
Don't forget me, don't forget me
(That's right)
[Verse 2]
I wanna make love to you to slow jams (Yeah)
Play that Tevin Campbell, "Can We Talk," I know that's your jam (That song)
She was tryna get this shit on video but I'm like, "No, ma'am"
If you knew the shit I did, you'd probably go ham when I'm loving you
Tryna give you the stars and the moon
'Cause baby, you the only star in this room
Can I confess my sins without you judgin' me?
Please, don't, please, don't
Don't forget me (Don't forget me)
You prayed God take my life but that's who sent me
(I'm heaven sent, yeah, yeah)
You runnin' out of time
It's never the right time to say goodbye
No, baby, I don't wanna fight
It's hard to love, it's hard to make a sacrifice
Don't forget me, don't forget me
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