Текст песни an Unkindness - The Prophet

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I've already told you I'm not a reflection
So stop using me as a mirror for yourself
You must really hate yourself
How many times have I proved I'm not here to threaten?
The demon you mean to kill is in yourself
But you're attacking someone else
You need to believe we are lost without your wisdom
But you can't feel who is caught up in the middle
You say what's good for all, but what's "good" for you?
You compare me to a drug, well, I can do that to you
You say it's for him and you know it's for you
You can't stand to see someone as wanted as you

From his eyes that are tired from this bickering
I'd kill myself now if that tiger could sing
But you're speaking for him and I don't live for you
You can dodge all you want, then claim I'm dodging you
But I've already told you I'm not a reflection
So stop using me as a mirror for yourself
You must really hate yourself
No, this is not the first time I've dealt with projection
The girl I loved struck me a crippled spell
But couldn't see the parallels
You wanted more power because you once thought you had none
But over-compensation can only fuck the balance
You say I'm bad for him, but that's you to me
Try and claim that's not a self-fulfilling prophecy
You say you're all-knowing but you fail to see
We all know psychotherapy is a bullshit degree
To use as an excuse for what you say
You could be fighting either side and justified the same way but

Cycling through synonyms keeps it the same
You can put up your wall, then say I ran away
But I've already told you I'm not a reflection
So stop using me as a mirror for yourself
You must really hate yourself
How many times have I proved I'm not here to threaten?
The demon you mean to kill is in yourself
But you're attacking someone else
So motherfucker, answer me
When I speak to you, you're not thirteen
You're forty-four, you should know more than me
Every time you laugh at me
There's a piece of you that sees between
The conceited, condescending words you speak
I did not steal your life and I can govern mine
And still you criticize when you're no better
Once more, you've missed the point
It's not "you're wrong" or "I'm right"

You lack objective eyes and I'm no better
And so you scream and shout, but he won't make a sound
So when you push around, do you feel better?
Your pattern's clear right now, he'll never be allowed
If you'd just hear me out, then we'd feel better
You'll never ban my life in your myopic fight
I won't shut my eyes to make it better
And once I'm past this round, I'll no longer be found
But it won't bring me down because I'll feel better
You don't know how hard I've tried (No)
You can't see the thoughts he hides
And truth be told, I have lost my soul
To love that has no life

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