Текст песни Andra Day - Empty

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah

[Verse 1]
I been pouring out and it's been difficult
I been giving everything I got
Sometimes, I just wanna stop, but I should listen too
'Cause lately, I been looking for something
Been pouring from nothing
I know that it sound like I'm just going off
I can't even keep my focus
Get wrapped up in other things
Wish I could explain to you what's going on

Three dots on your phone
I know you wanna know
And lately, I been pushing your buttons
I'm here, but I been struggling
I'm running on empty, that's why

I can't give love until my cup is full
I'm gonna fill up until my cup is full
I know that this might make you uncomfortable, yeah
But I'ma be stuck
'Cause I can't do us until my cup is full
I can't give love until my cup is full
I'm gonna fill up until my cup is full
Know this might make you uncomfortable, yeah
But I'ma be stuck
'Cause I can't do us until my cup is full, oh, yeah

[Verse 2]
I can't forget me 'cause I'm not just anybody
If I don't help me, I can't help nobody
Spirit is restless, need to find some peace about it, oh
If I don't help me I can't help nobody, oh

I can't give love until my cup it full (This cup is full)
I'm gonna fill up until my cup is full
I know that this might make you uncomfortable, yeah (Might make you uncomfortable, yeah)
But I'm gon be stuck 'cause I can't do us until my cup is full, oh, yeah

Mmm, give love
But I can't give love until my cup is full
I'm gonna fill up until my cup is full
I know that this might make you uncomfortable, yeah (Might make you uncomfortable)
But I can't be stuck so I'm gon' fill up, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Cup is full)
I won't be stuck so I'm gon' fill up, yeah, yeah, yeah
I won't be stuck, I'm gon' fill up (Up)
I can't do us, yeah, yeah (Us)
I can't do us, yeah (Us)
But I won't be stuck 'cause I'm gon' fill up, yeah

Другие песни Andra Day

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