Текст песни Andra Day - More

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[Verse 1]
Pay me never mind, I waste time in my mind
It never comes out as planned, overthink into a wonderland
Simon says when I lose my mind, I can't find it
Favorite remedy takes a chance, pull me from all of the pain
Show me love and I give you more
Plan this out, you gon' swear I'm Death Note
You're my candy store, love galore
I want more, make me comfortable
Show me love and I give you more
Plan this out, you gon' swear I'm Death Note
You'rе my candy store, love galore
I want morе, make me comfortable

Well, you are what I waited for, oh
And your love, oh, boy, I want more, oh

[Verse 2]
Now I can't help but put my moves on you
Favorite nuisance to you
Me and myself have spent too much time
Gotta get used to you
Baby, I'll prove to you
Losing you will be the greatest fall
Baby, oh, break me, break me off
Won't you take me all?
Promise not to break me if I choose you and all your flaws
Be like, "Girl, what's the cost?"
We gonna take our course
I just pray, oh, sweet Lord

You are what I waited for, oh (Waited for)
And your love, oh, boy, I want more, oh
'Cause you're my exhale at the end of the day, yeah
Yeah, you're my sweetest and my safest space, oh
You are what I've waited for, you are

Другие песни Andra Day

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