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In the dead of night On the wings of the wind I hear the ocean bell
With a flash of light In the beat of the dark The sound I know so well
I shall never forget you It's been so long I should never have left you The call so strong
It's a far cry from the wild world I wanna get back to you Such a long road to the homeland I must make my way to a far cry
From the chords of the earth To the depths of the sea I will return As I look to the hill through the eyes of the storm I touch the flame
I shall never forget you It's been so long I should never have left you The call so strong
It's a far cry from the wild world I wanna get back to you Such a long road to the homeland I must make my way to a far cry
I shall never forget you It's been so long I should never have left you The call so strong
It's a far cry from the wild world I wanna get back to you Such a long road to the homeland I must make my way it's a far cry
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