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You're twisting what I say, You have me on the floor. I have to get away, And move towards the door.
This is it, Because I'm on my way.
Tell me where you're going to now? I'm going down to find Al Gatto Nero. What will you do, please tell me how? Di sento fortunato si si el vero. We need to know, when will you be there? I'll be there after midnight, and there will be sorrow. And how are you feeling tonight? I'm feeling good!
All is fair in war and love, I hear that's what they say. It's clear I've had enough, we can't fight another day.
Time after time, Out of time, out of time.
Tell me where you're going to now? I'm going down to find Al Gatto Nero. What will you do, please tell me how? Di sento fortunato si si el vero. We need to know, when will you be there? I'll be there after midnight, and there will be sorrow. And how are you feeling tonight? Via de La Luna, quatro quatro vero.
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