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These warehouse wages kill ends introduction man I shoulda schooled it up when I was younger Shoulda stuck to plan Always had the dreams of being more self assertive And my kid's a teenager now He needs the health insurance So break my body break break my soul down Just another zombie walkin' blindly Through your ghost town Pull up to the bar politic and tap the power Ain't nobody really all that jolly at your happy hour But I don't wanna go home yet So I'ma talk to my cigarette and that television set It doesn't matter what brand or station Anything to take away from the current situation No overtime pay no holiday Months behind on everything but the lottery Winter 'round the corner guaranteeing that my car dies Wifey havin' trouble tryin' to juggle both part times My cup ain't close to filled up We tryin' to build up so we can have enough And when I finally get the color Won't be nothin' left to paint on A friend of mine tried to kill himself to the same song
My better half is mad At makin' magic outta canned goods My tax bracket status got her questionin' my manhood My shorty got caught smokin' weed at a concert And if I smack him every boy treats me like a monster My neighbors ain't doing much better And we make it competition instead of stickin' together Can't save no nest egg In fact this nest is rented in fact that rent is late Wait the money ain't here the raise ain't comin' Just me and my son and that crazy woman And those bartenders this whole f*cking country Got everybody swallowin' that lunchmeat Well maybe we can speed up the process Kill me in my thirties in the name of progress Put me in the dirt and then change the topic Sometimes seems like the only way to stop it Contemplate my departure date Doesn't take a lot to get a lot of us to talk this way Take a shot at me that's all I'm obligated for Apparently my only guarantee is a walk away
The only guarantee in life is life worth dying for Cause death don't wait for no one He's sittin' on your front door
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