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You got a bag full of paint, a head full of brain No snow, no rain, ain't got no complaint Like you high on that cry long running through your veins You look like a war vet starin at them trains It's like you zen the f*ck out Sittin in the bushes, letting all the bugs out One smoke one beer, when the coast is clear you disappear until your zone stoned on the fear Lookin at scarred box cars Focusing and notice one of the ones most fit Its like that one there, has got your name all over it So that one there, is getting your name all over it Pull a can of sky blue for the outline Sky for the limits, blue for the down time Nerves at blast, disturbin the masses of rats with these thin tips and fat caps Thinking bout your little brother, cause he been tryin hit the yard with you all summer It's a good thing that you didn't bring him along Cause that's when you saw the flashlights singing this song like
[Chorus] 2X Run, run, run these yards Run, run, run don't get caught Run, run, run every piece understood
It wasn't fast enough, a simple catch Cornered in the parking lot hidin in the trash You heard the footsteps, heart beatin hard Are you gonna have to fight with a trainyard guard? You stepped out on some, yup let's start this Puffin out your chest like you wasn't in the garbage And that's when the universe stopped Cause your looking straight at a uniformed officer What you think, should you run, run And take a chance at getting some from his stunt gun That ain't one on one, plus he look kinda young The type that might beat your ass just for fun, huh So tell me what the f*ck are you supposed to do Already thinking about the cuffs holdin you Already got a few cases over you But then the police man says, no it's cool What, where's the punch line, can't call it Too many paint fumes, musta lost it He handed you your bag and said here, I think you dropped this Cause this cop grew up on hip hop
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