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[Intro:] The pill. F*ck it. Swallow it.
I stopped reading the paper, quit watchin' the news Don't answer the phone and I'm payin' the dues I pace my steps to match the speed of my breathing Place my bets and keep my feet upon the ceiling Waiting for the stop sign to turn green I ain't got time to learn the hardway I gave candy to the babies, kisses to the ladies And charisma to the kids playin' down at the arcade Par-ty In my think straight type advice Bake the cake and sink your face into the frosting Take a break from all the aches and strifes This pain is just another stain on the box springs Sometimes I sit outside and watch the people walk by And try to understand why they don't fly And other days I lock myself up in my room And let the four corners close in until I'm consumed There ain't a whole lot of continuity And all I want is what I already gave up I give advice that I don't follow Cause it's twice as hard to swallow When you know precisely what the pill is made of
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