Текст песни Beth Gibbons - Floating on a Moment

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[Verse 1]
On the path
With my restless curiosity
Beyond life
Before me
A passenger
On no ordinary journey
It's one of a kind
Won't get left behind

I'm floating on a moment
Don't know how long
No one knows
No one can stay
All going to nowhere
All going
Make no mistake

[Verse 2]
Without control
I'm heading toward a boundary
That divides us
Reminds us
On a voyage where the living
They have never been
Have never seen

I'm floating on a moment
Don't know how long
No one knows
No one can stay
All going to nowhere
All going
Make no mistake

All trying but can't escape
All going to nowhere
To afraid to be free

Not that I don't want to return
Not that I don't want to return
(All going to nowhere, to nowhere)
Oh, honestly
It's not that I don't want to return
(All going to nowhere, to nowhere)
It just reminds us
Not that I don't want to return
It just reminds us that all we have
All we have is here and now
(All going to nowhere, to nowhere)
But all we have is here and now
(All going to nowhere, to nowhere)
All we have is here and now
(All going to nowhere)
It just reminds us
All we have is here and now (All going to nowhere)
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