Текст песни Beth Gibbons - Lost Changes

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[Verse 1]
Hey, you over there
Change your heart instead of stare
Feel alive, hold your own
Forever ends, you will grow old
You're gonna be

Love changes, things change
Is what changes things
Time changes
Life change
Is what changes things

[Verse 2]
Hey, you over there
Don't pretend you're unaware
Realise the tenderness
Appreciate the sweet caress
'Cause honеstly

Love changes, things change
Is what changеs things
Time changes
Life change
Is what changes things

We're all lost together
We're fooling each other
We try but we just can't explain
We took on a feeling
A moment, a gleaming
And said, "What's the game?"

'Cause love changes, things change
Is what changes things
And time changes
Life changes
Love changes things

And all that I want you to want me
The way that you used to
And all that I want is to love you
The way that I used to
And all that I want you to want me
The way that you used to
And all that I want is to love you
The way that I used to
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