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I feel I'm burning up with fever But the fire's feeling really good tonight And it's alright I'm gonna see Sahara Jack and Suntan Sally Somebody tells me even Tommy's coming down tonight If Gina says it's alright
I'm gonna see those Senoritas Lying under the sun They're greasing it up With know I want to be their blanket Gonna tell every girl Hey, baby... You're the one...
Oh tell the boys I'm on my way I got the radio blasting in my old man's Chevrolet I got a party in my pocket cause you know I just got paid And I'm feeling fine, it's 99 in the shade I'm feeling fine, it's 99 in the shade
When the sun goes down that's when the street heats up Senorita Margarita fills your empty cup tonight - She make you feel alright
A good time here don't cost much money Just a little sweet talking and a pretty native honey And you're set for life Or one hell of a night
I'm gonna see those sons of beaches Out there living it up the surf And the sand, Man that life ain't so tough So get me in the action so I can tell Every girl she's the one
Oh tell the boys I'm on my way I got the radio blasting in my old man's Chevrolet I got a party in my pocket cause you know I just got paid And I'm feeling fine, it's 99 in the shade I'm feeling fine, it's 99 in the shade
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